This program provides an objective method to diagnose and treat schizophrenia with pharmacology. The program offers a measurement based treatment for schizophrenia and comorbid disorders. This app is designed for use by psychiatrists and mental health professionals in a clinical setting.
◦Differential Diagnosis
◦Logical stepwise treatment using numerical score to assess progress
◦Positive Score
◦Negative Score
◦AIMS Score
◦Positive Score Calculator
◦Treatment: Schizophrenia, with
Anxiety, with Depression, Pregnancy,
Children, Elderly, Emergency and
Substance abuse
◦Quick reference to medications used in
treatment of Schizophrenia
◦Summary of Psychosocial interventions
◦Treatment of side effects: EPS, Tardive
Dyskinesia, Akathisia, Neuroleptic
Malignant Syndrome and Metabolic
Side effects of SGA
◦Other tools are Resistant Schizophrenia
and Drug Interactions